Page name: HIM obsessed Members [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-05 07:12:07
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BACK HOME BITCHES! HIM obsessed freaks


Members of this wiki:

1.)[Dark Sekret Love] (creator) HIM has been and always will eternally be my favourite band. They are utterly underrated and supremly talented. ily <3
2.)[Filthy Little Sekret]
3.)[ElizabethBathory] I <a href="">love</a> HIM
4.)[Zacks Pixie Bitch]-HIM kicks fuckin ass!!!
5.)[Tielandros]-Ville Valo is absolutely the best singer this world has to offer. HIM is without a doubt the world's best band. I shall oversee this band take the <a href="">music</a> <a href="">business</a> over. It will conquer all.
6.)[x- Afterlife -x] i <a href="">love</a> HIM they are totally the BEST band ever.. and Ville is soooo hott!! <a href="">love</a> that pic up there ^.^
7.)[apple babble]omg omg! ville is fuckin sexy!!!!!
8.)[Sombre] -][=][-][-][V][- my favourite band for years and shall always remain so, w00h00.
9.)[Pretty X Girls Make X Graves
] lol .. yey .. i <a href="">love</a> HIM
10.)[pumpkin king] i like him and is the only boy in my year who does
11.)[Fallin_Ashes] i <a href="">love</a> HIM i <a href="">love</a> ville.. o.o
12.)[Trifkin]- i luv HIM *yey*
13.)[Erestor]- Yeh HIM i luv them especially Linde the guitarist and ville valo
14.)[Eldanár Oronar]I love Ville!! (and ofcourse the rest of the band, with lyrics etc...)he's just sooo sexy!!
15.)[Brookes Sexy Juggalo]hmmmm.....Ville Valo best song writer i have ever had the pleasure of meating at the birthday bash
16.)[Vamps_Ghost] I <a href="">love</a> them all!!! mmmm Ville! *drools* I wanna get them to tour Australia!! Who wants to help?
17.)[Close The Damn Door] MMMM Ville totally hott HIM by far the greatest band ever and will always be!
18.)[JajaJulie]HIM! Oh How I Love!
[Breaking Me Down] *Faints due to the over-whelming power of Ville Valo's sexy-ness!*
19.)[de_matteo] HIM rok especially live!
[x- Afterlife -x] HIM is the best band ever.. they should be crowned supreme rulers of the world.. wow how cool would that be?
20.)[h.i.m.gurl] i luv him they r the best band no lie!
21.)[GEORGINA.] Who wouldnt <a href="">love</a> HIM they rule! 
22.)[O.N.E.pathetic TWISTED wReck]*runs around hits walls* i <a href="">love</a> him!!!!!!!!!!!!
23.)[Мальчик-гей] Ville Valo *drools* OCTOBER BABY!
24.)[Emuse] Ive got my whole bike in HIM style :) With this huge heartagram. Ville is too hot.. I wish he could be mine. His voice in my ear.. *raaaauwwrr*
25.)[Spirit of Nefertiti] me loves HIM, me loves HIM, e loves HIM...
26.)[Captain Anarchy] HIM RULES!
27.)[only the rich are free] HIM rocks!
28.)[Rolo] i adore everything they sing! ville valo = rock god
29.)[RA!] yeah everything i wanna say has already been said so I LOVE HIM!
30.)[Indigo Butterfly] HIM's the best!
31.)[~* ZoDi4C *~]*screams* HIM is the best let no one tell you different!
32.)[Rendever] Valo this, Valo that... It's All about Mige!!! Their grease-ball of a bassist!!!
33.)[x I Love Bam28 x] villes awesome but lily is him rocks
34.)[lauralilly] omg, him kick ass, i saw them this year and nearly died due to them being so amazing! love then forever
35.)[Leah..Is Bringing Sexy Back..] HIM have always, and will always been my favourite band. I've heard their music from the very early stages of the career. It's fucking amazing. I have all the albums, the CD Single collection, 2 HIM Jackets (Limited edition) God knows how many T-Shirts, a Signed poster, and tonnes more. They're not ONLY brilliant..They have a hot lead singer too. <33 Ville Valo <33
36.)[Evil Faerie Feline]
37.)[Take off your clothes. ♥]
38.)[pretty in blood] HIM kicks ass! my mum won't let me get the cd tho caz it says 666...>_<*
39.)[Ilivethelushlife]HIM is so original yet so many bands are now copying them,and its pathetic how so many little kids here in america are listening to HIM and think theyre so kool.and if one more person mistakes the heartagram with the "bam symbol"im going to blow my brains out!i knew about them when they werent popular in usa,i own a special cd imported from finland and it cost a shitload of money!
40.)[Elisa Day]
41.)[Yajirobe Kai Phooey]
44.)[synthetic bullshit]
45.)[*behind blue eyes*]
46.)[Typical Cracka Behavior] Yeah. We all know HIM is absolutely, by far one of the best bands ever...BUT did you know I secretly rock out to HIM in my car, pretending to be a big sexy rockstar?..... Neither did I...Neither did I...
47.)[~AbraKaDagger~] HIM is s0o0o0o totally kick ass! >______< I mean, Christ... who could not love HIM? umm.... I shall not go on explaining my love for HIM... I'm sure ya all know! ;)
48.)[Expensive Fidelity] Too beautiful for words.
49.)[Tamel] HELL YEA! im gonna see them play in Edinburgh in 13 days!!
50.)[44. Caliber Love Letter]
53.)[max86] these guys rock my world!
55.)[Take off your clothes. ♥]
56.)[Deleted user]
57.)[metallica_chick]HIM Rocks!!!
58.)[Vanilmwë] These songs just touch my soul...
59.)[Rozee] im gonna see em live and i cant wait!
60.)[your666] i love HIM i saw them on the 20th n they kick butt!!
61.)[laugh insanely] XD VILLE ...@_@ I'm so addicted to HIM ... But I have to go now.. HIM music calles @_@
62.)[Mordeth] HIM rock!
63.)[connor's left elftown] ville has the best voice! in top 2 fave bands!
64.)[..Nightmare..] HIM isnt an addiction Him is life ^.^
65.)[screw u guys im going home]they a song about my life, FUNERAL OF HEARTS!!! long live HIM!
66.)[Sister Insomnia] Holy fucking shit dude, HIM is fucking awesome...I fucking love them.Definetly one of the best bands ever dude. HIM FUCKING KICKS ASS.
68.)[pretty in blood] Ville Is So Hott!!!
69.)[x Shane x]
70.)[Take off your clothes. ♥] Love Ville so much, but the rest of the band kick ass too!!!
71.)[akroshii]HIM KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!
72.)[Girlz Attractive] Because of them i love music!!!!
73.)[no hardcore dancing in the living room.] HIM kicks ass
74.)[Tears Of Glass]
75.)[Saturn of the Jester] You can't not like HIM
76.)[tesko suicide]
77.)[TAKE YOUR PILLS.©] HIM rocks my world. God, do I love them. Ville is Finnish sex on toast.
78.)[Flowers of Evil]
79.)[Pooty; Down With The Clown]
80.)[prinsesse] Why say anything when all the greatness of HIM has been stated by those above?
81.)[Gypsi] ditto to all the above!!
[Jeeska] I recently got into HIM and I am insanely in love with their music!
83.)[~Nyx~] :D
84.)[XPlastic TearsX]
86.)[call 4 vampires]
87.)[Eternal Witness] I love HIM!
88.)[Phoenix_Tiger] I was introduced to HIM by my guy friend, and am forever in his debt. I love HIM!
90.)[*|-Worthless |Heartache-|*]
91.)[Much Prettier D.E.A.D My Dear] never can go wrong with HIM....but my brother broke my cds, and i have no money! so i'm having withdrawls~
93.)[samantha louise!
94.)[Kill_Bunni]H.I.M rox my sox!^_^
95.)[Goodie Gumdrops] H.I.M to me is like the doors of our age
96.) [Darkness of Faith] H.I.M rocks! No questions asked ^^
97.) [+Slightly+] Purrr purrrr
98.)[ForeverGoth]him is so fucking awsome i would not be able 2 livw without them
99.)[xx // Fayt L.e.i.n.g.o.d \\ xx] HIM ROCK! no-one can beat them Ville is the man and the music is out of this world. Brilliant. Truly Amazing.
100.)[*I'm ready to take your 666 in my heart*] H.I.M is the best valo is sooooo sexy oooohhh yes i love em
101.) [Gem In Eye]   ville u r the best! luv ya much, and H.I.M. is the best band in the world!!!
102.) [Shinras Number One] I love H.I.M. "Endless Dark" and "Funeral of Hearts" are some of my favorite songs.
103.)[Glitter Is A Drug!0_o]-he is brilliant, he is hott, but you have to love him for his music! Rock on Ville!
104.)[Nirre]-Yes, he is brilliant, hot, e.t.c, but the rest of the band must be remevered too!! HIM fan forever!
105.) [*Eternity*]
106.) [Artemis Riddle] totaly obsessed, freak, and I hate those fuckin people who likes HIM because if the mother Fucking wannabe BAM!!! BURN HIM!!!!!
107.)[NotAMortal] best band ever!!!
108.)[Kinzey {{Katastrophe}}]
109.)[Sinistra.] HIM, even though the songs ever so slightly creep me out, gotta love them
110.)[me ina metal band] just admit it....all of them are just beautiful! and all
111.)[LadyMoon] I admit, I love everything about their music!
112.)[AshAsphyxiation] Bitches, join my wiki, H.I.M Fanatics Ville Valo is my husband, he doesn't know it, but he is. I"m gonna kidnap him and take him to vegas so we can have a shotgun wedding.
113.) [HARD ON HEATHER™.] omg him is just soooooo gr8!!!!
114). [666 ~My HeARt bLeeDs~ 666] HIM fucking rock!!
115.) [Virtue_x] - falls over a twitches with love for him.. -
116.) [Zombie Suicide] - This is the greatest band on EARTH!
118.)[Son of Northern Darkness]
120.)[xXxHeavenly DemonicxXx] I f-ing LOVE HIM... they rule all love metal!!!!! wait.. they ARE the lovce metal....
121.)[Hermes322]All of their songs are so real and so utterly real. They're amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
122.)[NICOLE.humanity;]-Couldnt live with out there extrordinary music!, They are literally the best band in the universe!
123. [ewewew] HAHAHA Im number 123
124. [.X.X.Lips Of Deceit.X.X.] Ville Valo *sighs* -^^-
125. [Reapa]
126.[Illona]Thank God a wiki for HIM.I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is to die for.....Lol
127. [♥Jade Puget]
128. [*Boo-Boo*]
129. [KeepTheNeverRockin] yay! HM rox!
130. [lordjoesnow] souls on fireeeeee

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2004-08-23 [Vamps_Ghost]: Hey everyone! I'm holding a HIM contest I need more entries! *whines*

2004-09-20 [Dark Sekret Love]: [pretty in blood] I am sorry! That sucks! Get one that doesnt though! Like Love Metal or Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights

2004-09-20 [Keii]: Or get it anyway and just don't tell her

2004-09-20 [Rolo]: lol or ask a mate to get it for you and give it to you with out her knowledge mwhaha

2004-09-20 [Dark Sekret Love]: Yea that too... meh! I have the dhittest ideas *pouts* lol muhaha

2004-09-22 [Dark Sekret Love]: [Ilivethelushlife] *applause* good for you! I know so many people are like 'ooo BAM!' GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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